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Shiseido is committed to building strong and lasting relationships with its customers based on trust and transparency. In accordance with this philosophy, the protection of your Personal Data (“Data” i.e. any information about you) is essential to us and we wish to inform you via this Privacy Policy of how we collect and process this Data.

Last updated: July 2024.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how we use the Data we may collect when you interact with us either online, when you use our websites and applications (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”, the “Site” or the “Sites”) or offline, when you visit one of our stores, and how we ensure the protection of this Data.

Specific privacy and data protection information notices and/or consent requests will, if necessary, be communicated to you in specific situations not covered in this Policy where Shiseido may process your Data.

We hope the following sections will answer any questions you may have but if not, lorem ipsum dolor sot amet please do get in touch with us via this form.

Who is the controller of your data?

The brand Narciso Rodriguez Parfums is part of the Shiseido Group’s brand portfolio.

Beauté Prestige International, Shiseido’s European headquarters based in Paris, France, whose trade name is Shiseido EMEA, is the controller of your data.

This means that Shiseido EMEA determine for what reasons (i.e. the purposes) your Data is processed as well as the resources (i.e. the means) allocated to such processing and are responsible for the processing of your Data.

Shiseido EMEA is in charge of leading our ecommerce, customer relations and marketing efforts for Europe.

What Data do we collect and from what sources?

Depending on how you interact with us (online, offline, by phone, etc.), we may collect from you various categories of Data, which are described in more details below.

Data you provide to us

You may provide the following categories of Data when you interact with us for instance when you visit our Sites, our stores,or when you participate in one of our promotional operations, etc.

Identification information: this includes information such as your name, surname, age or age range, title, date of birth, general geographic location (e.g., postcode or city and state), etc.

Contact information: this includes any information that would allow us to personally contact you, such as your home address, billing address, your email address, or your phone number (home, mobile), etc.

Order and product information: this includes details of the products you have ordered and searched for online or in our shops, the date and time of your orders and searches, and the shops you prefer to visit, etc.

Habits and preferences: this includes any information related to your preferences and interests such as your favorite products, lifestyle information, your concerns in terms of beauty and care, etc.

Payment and transaction-related information:this includes any information that you use to make a purchase, such as your payment card details. Payments made on the Site are made through our payment gateway providers, ADYEN, PAYPAL, APPLE PAY, or KLARNA. Please note that we do not have access to the payment details you provide to these service-providers which operate autonomously. For more information please refer to the relevant service providers privacy policy.

User-generated content and posts: this refers to any content (suggestions, testimonials, surveys or other any other feedback) that you voluntarily share with us about your experience in using our products or services. This also includes your posts on our applications, such as our Facebook fan pages (photos, videos, personal stories, or other similar media or content).

Information on adverse events: this might include information on your allergies, intolerances and other health-related information, which might be related to our products, that you provide to our customer service. Please note that we only use this information in accordance with our legal obligations to follow-up on adverse events reported to us by our customers (in accordance with EU Regulation).

CCTV: your image may be recorded on CCTV when you visit one of our shops. We might have to use it for security reasons. We regularly delete the footage unless an incident or alleged incident requires investigation or action.

Automatically collected Data

The following categories of Data may be collected automatically when you navigate though our Sites, due to various tracking technologies such as browser cookies:

Technical information: such as your IP address, the browser you use or data related to your device, etc.

Connection data: logs (identifiers, date and time of connection to your account, to our Sites, etc.)

Data relating to your use of our Sites and applications: pages viewed, products you searched for, duration of your visit, etc.

Data we receive and collect from other sources

Third parties and advertising partners: we may obtain information, including Data, from third parties and sources other than our Site, such as our advertisers. This may be the case when you accept cookies, which will help us understand your activities, how you use our services, the purchases you make, the advertisements you watch, etc.

Social media partners: we might receive information from social media platforms when you use your social network account such as Facebook, to access one of our services (e.g. to participate in one of our promotional operations or to make a purchase without having to create an account on our site) or when using social media plug-ins (e.g. “like” and “share” buttons).

On which grounds do we process your Data?

We generally use your Data on the basis of the following grounds:

The performance of the contract we have with you: in certain circumstances, we need your Data to execute our contractual obligations. For example, if you buy products through our Site, we need your name and contact details so we can communicate with you and deliver the products you ordered. If you do not provide your Data, we will not be able to provide you with the requested products and services;

Your prior consentin certain cases, we may ask for your consent before using your Data. For instance, we will always ask for your permission to send you promotional communications;

Compliance with a legal obligation applicable to ussometimes we have to collect and use your Data in order to comply with our own legal obligations. For example, tax laws require us to keep trace of invoices related to your purchases;

Our legitimate interests: this is a legal term in data protection law which means we have a good and fair reason to use your Data and we do so in ways which does not hurt your interests and rights. For instance, we do analyse how you and other users interact with our Site so we can better understand what elements of the design are working well and which are not working so well. This allows us to improve and develop the quality of the online experience we offer all our users.

For what purposes do we use your Data?

For what purpose do we use your Data? What Data do we use? On which ground?
Manage your online activities

Create and manage your online account

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences

Connection data

Your prior consent

Manage your online product orders

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Payment and transaction-related information

Connection data

Performance of the sales contract with you

Manage your participation in one of our promotional operations (game-contests, sample operations, promotional offers…)

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

User-generated content

Your prior consent

Offer you quality services in store

Create and manage your personal profile to offer you personalised services and advices in store, according to your preferences

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences (might include information related to your allergies)

Your prior consent

Manage your appointments with us (with your beauty consultants, make-up sessions, tutorials and events, etc.)

Identification and contact information

Habits and preferences

Your prior consent

Manage cabin treatments

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences (might include health related data)

Your prior consent

Manage your registration to our loyalty programs

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Your prior consent

Manage distance selling (click and collect, orders by phone, etc.)

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Payment and transaction-related information

Performance of the sales contract with you

Website analysis

Offering you online content adapted to your preferences and online behaviour

Habits and preferences

Connection data

Data related to your use of our Sites and applications

Technical information

Your prior consent

Managing and following traffic on our Sites

Connection data

Data related to your use of our Sites and applications

Technical information

Your prior consent

Interacting with you

Manage promotional communications (via email, SMS or phone), either because you consented to receive our promotional offers or to exchange with your beauty consultants in store

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences

Technical information

Connection data

Data relating to your use of our Sites and applications

Your prior consent

Interact with you when you contact us via our customer service or via any other channel (online chat, email, text message, telephone help line for any reason, compliments, feedback or a request, etc.)

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

User-generated content

Technical information

Connection data

Your prior consent

Manage your comments and reviews on our products

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

User-generated content

Your prior consent

Assess your satisfaction

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences

User-generated content

Our legitimate interest

Carry out market surveys

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences

User-generated content

Your prior consent

Managing back-in stock emails notifications

Identification and contact information

Your prior consent

Manage adverse events notifications

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Habits and preferences

Information on adverse events including health-related information and pictures of you and those you might send us

User-generated content

Your prior consent

Compliance with a legal obligation applicable to us

Manage your requests on your Personal Data

Identification and contact information

User-generated content

Compliance with a legal obligation applicable to us


Performing analysis and statistics

Order and product information

User-generated content

Habits and preferences

Connection data

Data related to your use of our Sites and applications

Technical information

Our legitimate interest

Exercise our legal rights in case of proceedings

Identification and contact information

Order and product information

Information on adverse events

User-generated content

Our legitimate interest

Ensuring our websites security

Identification and contact information

Technical information

Data related to your use of our Sites and applications

Connection data

Our legitimate interest

Managing video surveillance in our shops

CCTV images

Our legitimate interest


To have a better overall understanding of you as a customer, we may combine information about you gathered across various channels, such as your online and offline shopping history, your preferences, etc.

This helps us to propose to you recommended products and advices that are most relevant to your interests at particular times, by email (where we have your consent) or when visit one of our shops.

You can object to these “profiling” operations at any time by contacting us. Please refer to the “Your rights and choices” section.

With whom do we share your Data?

Depending on the type of Data and purpose of processing, access may be granted to the following authorized persons:

Other Shiseido affiliates and group entities: your Data may be shared with the other affiliates of the Shiseido group who are involved in our customer relationship management. In particular, your Data may be shared with our regional headquarters, Shiseido EMEA, which is located in France.

Third party vendors and providers: your Data may be accessible to selected third parties vendors or providers acting on our behalf and our instructions, for the needs of the purposes described above in section 4 For example, our transporters will need to access your Data to deliver the products you ordered, our marketing campaign providers will need to access your Data to send you the relevant communications, our maintenance providers might need to access your Data in case of technical incident, etc.

In any case, we require such third parties to:

be subject to strict contractual data protection and confidentiality obligations;

undertake to comply with all applicable data protection laws and exclusively for the purposes specified in the contract with have with them;

implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your Data.

Public and judicial authorities: we might need to share your Data with public authorities when the law requires us to do so. For instance, we might be requested to provide invoices to tax or financial authorities, or to provide information related to adverse events linked to the use of our products to health authorities. We might also need to share your Data with judicial authorities in the event of a litigation.

Our professional advisers: we also may share your Data when necessary with our professional advisers, such as our accountants, auditors, lawyers, insurers, etc.

Potential acquirers and other stakeholders involved in our business transfers: we might share your Data in the event of an acquisition, merger, sale, corporate restructuring. In this context, the acquirer will act as the new controller of your Data.

In any case, please rest assured that we only grant access to your Data on a need-to-know basis, and that such access is limited to the Data that is strictly necessary to perform the purpose for which such access is granted.

We will never rent, trade or sell your Data to third party companies for their own marketing use.

Where may we transfer your Data?

Shiseido is a multinational organization with affiliates, vendors and partners located in many countries around the world. For that reason, Shiseido may need to share your Data with entities located in other jurisdictions, in countries which may not be regarded as providing the same level of protection as the jurisdiction you are based in.

Shiseido EMEA, our European headquarters which is in charge of leading our ecommerce, customer relations and marketing efforts in Europe, is located in France. As a consequence, your Data is transferred to France.

They may also be shared with our American affiliate Shiseido Americas, which is notably in charge of the overall management of our group customer relationship management system.

In any cases Shiseido ensures that adequate safeguards, as required under the applicable data protection legislation, are in place. Such safeguards include :

Adequacy decisions released by the European Commission

The European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses

Our providers’ Binding Corporate Rules (“BCR”)

For more information about the transfer of your Data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (please refer to the “Your rights and choices” section).

How do we protect your Data?

Shiseido knows how much data security matters to all our customers and take all appropriate steps to protect your Data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We pay particular attention to sensitive data, especially payment card data, allergy or intolerance data, etc.

Please note, however, that any information you choose to share in public areas such as our website community features, or other social areas is by definition considered as public and can be seen by anyone accessing the related platform.

How long do we retain your Data?

We will retain your Data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Policy (see section 4). The criteria used to determine such retention periods include: (i) the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you; (ii) whether there is a legal or business obligation to which we are subject; or (iii) whether a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

Data about Children

Our Sites are not directed to anyone under 16 years of age. We do not solicit or collect any type of information from a person known to be under the age of 16. If we become aware that we have accidentally collected information from a child, we will remove that information from our records as soon as feasibly possible.

Your rights and choices

In accordance with the applicable data protection law, you have the right to request:

Access to the Data we hold about you;

The correction of your Data if they are incomplete or inaccurate;

The erasure of your Data, in the cases provided by law. Please note that in some cases, we may be obliged to retain your Data anyway, for legal or legitimate reasons;

The interruption of the use of your Data by withdrawing your consent at any time where our “lawful basis” is consent, or by objecting to the use of your Data where our “lawful basis” is our legitimate interests and that we have no legitimate overriding interest;

The restriction of the use of your Data, in the cases provided by law;

To obtain a copy of the Data you provided us, in a commonly used format, to transmit it to another data controller, in the cases provided by law.

To exercise your rights or for any further questions related to the use of your Data, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

Via our online contact form here.

Via our postal address:

Data Protection Officer

Shiseido EMEA

56 A, rue du Faubourg St Honoré

75008 Paris


Please note that to process your request, we may ask you to prove your identity.

If you feel that your Data has not been handled correctly, or you are unhappy with our response to any requests you have made to us regarding the use of your Data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.